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Are you experiencing a sense of career stagnation?

Updated: Jun 29, 2023

Career stagnation can be a frustrating and disheartening experience, as it entails a lack of advancement, growth, and new opportunities in one's professional journey, potentially leading to feelings of dissatisfaction and a desire for change. A study by LinkedIn found that around 70% of professionals feel stuck in their careers at some point, with factors such as limited growth opportunities, lack of challenging work, and inadequate career advancement contributing to this sentiment.

If you find yourself experiencing career stagnation, here are 6 proactive steps you can take to break free from the rut and reignite your professional growth:

  1. Expand your skills and Invest in continuous learning and development. Seek opportunities to acquire new skills, whether through formal education, workshops, online courses, or mentorship programs. Broadening your skill set can open doors to new career opportunities.

  2. Take the time to gain a deeper understanding of the business you are in and ensure you understand your organisation's core values.

  3. Set clear goals. Establish specific and achievable career goals that align with your aspirations. Break them down into smaller milestones to track your progress and maintain motivation.

  4. Explore new roles. Consider exploring lateral moves within your organisation or even a career change if necessary. Look for positions that offer new challenges, opportunities for growth, and a chance to utilise your skills and passions.

  5. Network. Build and nurture professional connections within your industry. Attend industry events, join relevant associations or groups, and engage in online networking platforms. Networking can expose you to new opportunities, valuable insights, and potential mentors or sponsors.

  6. Seek an internal and external mentor to help you grow. Consider working with a career coach or mentor who can provide valuable insights, guidance, and support. They can help you develop a strategic plan, overcome obstacles, and navigate your career path more effectively.

Career growth takes time and effort. Stay optimistic, remain focused on your goals, and persevere through setbacks or rejections. Cultivate resilience and maintain a proactive mindset throughout your journey.

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